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Gradients and Calculus


Introduction to Differentiation (1 of 9)

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This lesson aims to introduce calculus and its applications, whilst also introducing the concept of a gradient. By mastering the content in this session, you will:

  • Understand that calculus is the study of how a change in the input to a function effects its output

  • Be able to identify a few applications where calculus can be useful

  • Understand that a gradient is the ratio of a change in the output to the change in an input

  • Be able to find gradients between a pair of points

Syllabus Mapping

C1.1 Gradients of tangents

  • Distinguish between continuous and discontinuous functions, identifying key elements which distinguish each type of function – Sketch graphs of functions that are continuous and compare them with graphs of functions that have discontinuities – Describe continuity informally, and identify continuous functions from their graphs

  • Examine and use the relationship between the angle of inclination of a line or tangent, 𝜃, with the positive 𝑥-axis, and the gradient, 𝑚, of that line or tangent, and establish that

C1.2 Difference Quotients

  • Interpret the meaning of the gradient of a function in a variety of contexts, for example on distance–time or velocity–time graphs

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