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Meet treena, your classroom assistant

We are on a mission to make theworlds best educational resources, and we want as many teachers as possible to use them in their classrooms. Here's what we can give you:

An Explosion of interactivity

Interactive Prework

You won’t find lessons like these anywhere! Set them as prework, to make sure yourstudents walk into every class preparedto master the contentSample Lesson

Student Dashboard

Weassess your studentswith carefully crafted questions while they complete their prework. This allows us to present you with a concise overview of each students engagement and progress
A Dashboard for your Students
Teachers should have powers

Adaptive Lesson Plans

We know how much work it takes to prepare a great lesson, so we make simpledynamic lesson plansfor you. They expand on the prework and provide different questions based on your students progress

Application Summaries

We believe inshowing students whythey should care about each subject. Therefore, our team reasearches themost relevant applicationsfor each lesson, so that you can inspire your students to love learning
Mechanics of Drones